The story mode has been called 'a huge step up from previous story modes', and was praised for incorporating the controls into the mission. Players are also able to mix characters from the Star Wars saga and put them into locations and situations that never happened within canon. Also, the Galactic Conquest mode features a new mechanic not seen in previous versions, where two players are able to share a single PSP, and compete against each other in a strategy based game mode. Also included is General Rahm Kota, a character from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, as well as other characters from Renegade Squadron, such as Col Serra. It includes playable characters such as Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, The Emperor and Kit Fisto, and the Heroes and Villains mode (Assault Mode) last featured in Star Wars: Battlefront II. Elite Squadron features 'Heroes and Villains' gameplay.